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Queerseminariet: Dis/locating the Queer Muslim in the Archive

Centrum för genusvetenskap anordnar öppna queerseminarier för alla som är intresserade av och/eller arbetar aktivt med queerbegreppet i praktik, teori eller aktivism.

Dis/locating the Queer Muslim in the Archive
Abeera Khan, LSE Fellow in Gender and Culture at the Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and PhD Candidate at the Centre for Gender Studies at SOAS, University of London.

About the seminar: What can a single piece of ephemera offer for a genealogy of ‘queer Muslim’? Rather than excavate the white queer archive for a queer Muslim presence, I offer a dis/location of the queer Muslim to relinquish the desire for a transparent subject. This dis/location forgoes a linear narration of the emergence of this identity category to attend to the co-constitution of race and sexuality. Analysing an instance of anti-racist and queer solidarity, this talk explores the collision between “queer” and “Muslim” through unlikely, even opaque, forms.

About the presenter: Abeera Khan is LSE Fellow in Gender and Culture at the Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and a PhD Candidate at the Centre for Gender Studies at SOAS, University of London. Her research explores the shifting meanings attached to the “queer” and “Muslim” in queer Muslim, critically mapping the contested registers through which queer Muslims in London are presented as subjects and claim subjecthood. She teaches on the subjects of empire, gender, race, and queer feminist studies.

Register in advance in order to access the Zoom-link.

The seminar is held in English.


Föreläsare: Abeera Khan, LSE Fellow in Gender and Culture at the Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and PhD Candidate at the Centre for Gender Studies at SOAS, University of London

Arrangör: Centrum för genusvetenskap
Kontaktperson: Sara Salminen

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